Sunday, September 26, 2010

On Hold....

Greetings friends and readers,

Alas, our writing is on hold, and so is "Smiling." First things first, Tom Collins is on hiatus from writing as six weeks of jury duty took over. So that has put the brakes on any new novels from us.

I owe everyone an apology for getting any hopes up on that score. I had no idea life would intrude so rudely on our latest collaboration, and so jumped the gun. Mea Culpa!

As to "Smiling" we've not heard a word from the publishers on whether it's being edited or even if its still wanted. Once Tom is back, we will look into it yet again. If there is still no-go on it, we will probably seek out a new publisher.

We thank you all very much for your patience, and we're sorry that our news isn't more promising at the moment. We hope, however, that you find good and wonderful books to read through the coming autumn months. There is really nothing more wonderful than a good book by the fire on a chilly afternoon. Enjoy!
